An observatory and a collaboratory international and interdisciplinary research laboratory devoted to research for increasing knowledge are distinguishable from a mere observing station or an educational laboratory. An observatory gathers the knowledge of the researched scientific field that has been transformed into articles and posts, both written and audio-visual, which give an account of the latest developments being prepared in the world of education with the use of technology.
The observatory provides the latest publications and conversations in related scientific fields by the scientific interests categories
No. 3/2023 Quaderni di Comunità Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0
Reinventing University. The Digital Challenge In Higher Education
Edited by Stefania Capogna, Ligita Šimanskienė, Erika Župerkienė
No. 1/2024 Journal
of digital Pedagogy
Digital Pedagogy
in Higher education
Edited by Olimpius Istrate, Simona Velea – In the process of printing
Title | Year | Author | Research Organization / Affiliation | Journal / Publisher | Academic Fields | Keyword | Link |
Krepitev mehkih kompetenc | 2023 | Jerneja Lešnik | Vocational College of Hospitality and Tourism Maribor | Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Vloga višjega strokovnega šolstva pri spodbujanju zelenega podjetništva pri mladih | 2023 | Andreja Petrovič | School of Economics, Higher Vocational College | Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges | Economics and Statistics | Education | CLICK HERE |
Priložnost za izboljšanje poklicnih in podjetniških kompetenc | 2023 | Karmen Grudnik, Jožica Ovčjak | School Centre Slovenj Gradec, Higher Vocational College | Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges | Economics and Statistics | Mismatch | CLICK HERE |
Izzivi sodobne družbe | 2023 | Lucija Zidanski | School Centre Celje | 4th National Professional Conference Creative Learning Environments Proceedings/Celje School Centre | Industrial and Information Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
Akademija za kombinirano učenje | 2023 | Marjana Šporar | School Centre Novo Mesto | 4th National Professional Conference Creative Learning Environments Proceedings/Celje School Centre | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Distance Learning | CLICK HERE |
Vpliv tehnologije na medsebojne odnose | 2023 | Nataša Koprivnik | Loče Primary School | 4th National Professional Conference Creative Learning Environments Proceedings/Celje School Centre | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Mikrodokazila v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju | 2023 | Tomaž Pintarič | School Centre Novo Mesto | 4th National Professional Conference Creative Learning Environments Proceedings/Celje School Centre | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Education | CLICK HERE |
Teaching computational thinking using scenario-based learning tools | 2023 | Zitouniatis, A., Lazarinis, F., & Kanellopoulos, D. | Hellenic Open University | Education and Information Technologies , Springer | Computer Science | Select one | CLICK HERE |
Adult students’ perceptions of a synchronous distance education teacher training programme using microsoft teams | 2023 | Sarma, A. M., Gkila, P., & Armakolas, S. | University of Patras | Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Distance Learning | |
A competency-based specialization course for smart city professionals. | 2024 | Panagiotakopoulos, T., Lazarinis, F., Stefani, A., & Kameas, A. | Hellenic Open University | Research & Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | E-learning | |
An adaptable multi-learner serious game for learning cultural heritage | 2022 | Lazarinis, F., Boididis, I., Kozanidis, L., & Kanellopoulos, D. | Hellenic Open University | Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | E-learning | CLICK HERE |
Design and evaluation of a Mooc on the Internet of Things to Upskill Adult Educators | 2024 | Lazarinis, F., Panagiotakopoulos, T., & Kameas, A. | Hellenic Open University | 18th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | E-learning | |
Digitalization in the Romanian Higher Education in the Present Digital Era | 2020 | Ciurea, Maria | Department of Economics Sciences, University of Petrosani, Romania | Atlantis Press | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Modalități de utilizare a TIC pentru evaluarea studenților (Ways of using ICT for student assessment) | 2009 | Istrate, Olimpius | Institute for Education, Bucharest | Institute for Education & Social IT | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Assessment | CLICK HERE |
Social Networks and the Development of Students’ Social Competences | 2024 | Marković, M., Stanisavljević Petrović, Z., Pavlović D. | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia | Journal of Digital Pedagogy, 3(1) 18-28. Bucharest: Institute for Education | Political and Social Sciences | Distance Learning | CLICK HERE |
Navigating Learning Paths with EDSense: An AI-Powered Learning Platform | 2023 | Ivanov, M., Cristea, D.S., Vlase, M., Munteanu, D. | Altfactor & ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania | Journal of Digital Pedagogy, 2(1) 14-24. Bucharest: Institute for Education | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
Digital Pedagogy. Definition and Conceptual Area | 2022 | Istrate, Olimpius | Institute for Education, Bucharest | Journal of Digital Pedagogy, 1(1) 3-10. Bucharest: Institute for Education | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Education | CLICK HERE |
How to cite ChatGPT and AI products | 2023 | Istrate, Olimpius | Institute for Education, Bucharest | Revista de Pedagogie Digitală, 2(1) 3-8. București: Institutul pentru Educație | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Need, Advantages and Capabilities of Learning Analytics in K12 Education: Study Results from Lithuania | 2024 | Šmitienė, G., Melnikova, J., Batuchina, A., Šakytė-Statnickė, G. | Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Klaipeda University | Journal of Digital Pedagogy, 3(1) 11-17. Bucharest: Institute for Education | History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology | Education | CLICK HERE |
Managing the digital university. Paradigms, leadership, and organization. | 2023 | Lukasz Sulkowski | Jagiellonian University, Poland. | Routledge | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Le competenze digitali dei docenti. Un’indagine esplorativa sull’uso delle ICT a scuola | 2016 | Nirchi S. | Formazione & Insegnamento XIV | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | ||
The Rhetoric of Digitalization in Italian Educational Policies: Situating Reception among Digitally Skilled Teachers | 2019 | Luca Salmieri | Italian Journal of Sociology of Education | Political and Social Sciences | Education | ||
La digitalizzazione della scuola. Temi, teorie e metodi di ricerca | 2019 | Giancola O., Grimaldi E., Romito M. | Il Mulino – Rivisteweb, Scuola democratica | Political and Social Sciences | Education | ||
Il digitale a scuola. Rivoluzione o abbaglio? | 2019 | Marco Gui | Il Mulino | Political and Social Sciences | Education | ||
Icts overuse in the European educational space. Interpreting the Icts overdose on learning outcomes | 2020 | Giancola O., Salmieri L. | La Sapienza Università di Roma | Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale | Political and Social Sciences | Education | |
Digital innovations as the basis for the implementation of the Concept for the development of T-shaped skills in higher education | 2023 | Ligita Simanskiene, Erika Zuperkiene, Halyna Mishenina | Klaipeda University | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Shifting Paradigm of “Onlife Learning” in European Higher Education Institutes (HEIs): A Case of Working-Life Competence Development Best Practices | 2023 | Paresh Rathod, Pasi Kämppi | Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Self-assessment in vet and higher education: links and further developments | 2023 | Laura Evangelista, Concetta Fonzo | Accreditamento e Qualità della Formazione”, Struttura Sistemi Formativi, Inapp | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Evaluation of Universities QoS using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps | 2023 | Perivolaris Panagiotis, Stylianakis Vassilis | Patras University | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The impact of digitalisation in scientific research: risks, opportunities and ethical challenges | 2023 | Maria Chiara De Angelis | Link Campus University | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Modernity and Identity processes on the light of the diffusion of new digital technologies | 2023 | Giuliana Parente | Università degli Studi di Milano, | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
L’impatto della pandemia sui comportamenti rischio dei giovani: le challenge rischiose | 2023 | Patrizio Pastore, Gerarda Grippo | La Sapienza Università di Roma | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Le “destinazioni educative” della Generazione X: risultati e disuguaglianze in una prospettiva generazionale | 2023 | Orazio Giancola, Matteo Bonanni | La Sapienza Università di Roma | Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Chatbots in Education: A Dual Perspective on Innovation and Ethics | 2024 | Sergio Pappagallo | Link Campus University | Journal of Digital Pedagogy, 3(1) 3-10. Bucharest: Institute for Education | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
Etica e intelligenza artificiale. Questioni aperte | 2020 | Edmondo Grassi | Università Telematica San Raffaele | Aracne | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | |
Intelligenza artificiale e riflessioni teoriche sul mutamento tecnologico | 2022 | Edmondo Grassi | Università Telematica San Raffaele | Morlacchi Editore | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
La costruzione del sociale nell’epoca della postrealtà | 2022 | Edmondo Grassi | Università Telematica San Raffaele | FUP | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
Éducation, technologie et contrôle : l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle | 2022 | Edmondo Grassi | Università Telematica San Raffaele | Presses Universitaires de Vincennes | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | |
Continuing training in the digital era: microlearning, microcredentials, and digital badges: challenges and perspectives | 2024 | Alessandra Pedone | INAPP | QTimes -Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies | Political and Social Sciences | E-learning | CLICK HERE |
La formazione per la transizione o la transizione della formazione? Il digitale e la formazione continua: Micro-credenziali, ILA, e innovazione nella formazione in Europa | 2021 | Alessandra Pedone | INAPP | Professionalità Studi | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Dalla formazione informale allo smart learning. Nuovi scenari per la formazione continua in azienda nella transizione digitale | 2021 | Alessandra Pedone | INAPP | XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIV | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Why Do Digital Transformation Initiatives fail? Digital Mindsets as An Invisible Strategic Component | 2024 | Hatice Gökçe DEMİREL | Fırat University Elazığ/Turkey | Journal of Management Science | Industrial and Information Engineering | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
The Path Towards Pooling the European University Alliance Research Infrastructure | 2024 | Edita Lenkauskaitė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Nuotolinės studijos ar nuotolinės paskaitos? Paskaitos auditorijoje ar nuotolinės paskaitos? | 2022 | Remigijus Čiegis, Ligita Šimanskienė, Julius Ramanauskas | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Distance Learning | CLICK HERE |
The Importance to Careers of Intercultural Communication: a Student Perspective | 2023 | Vaida Žegunienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Darbuotojų pasitikėjimą savimi mažinančių veiksnių valdymas neapibrėžtumo sąlygomis | 2022 | Virginija Ramašauskienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžių formavimas ugdymo įstaigose | 2022 | Kęstutis Biekša, Violeta Valiulė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Elektroninės komercijos platformų sėkmę lemiančių veiksnių teorinės nuostatos | 2022 | Antanas Beniušis, Agnė Šneiderienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Informacinių ir ryšių technologijų (IRT) taikymas tobulinаnt bibliotekų personalo kvalifikaciją | 2022 | Marius Apulskis | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
The Organisation of the Education of Returned Emigré Pupils in a Progymnasium | 2022 | Lilia Žukauskienė, Aušrinė Zulumskytė, Rasa Ozbinaitė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Distance Learning | CLICK HERE |
Pre-School Global Citizenship Education: an Ethnographic Study | 2022 | Vaida Žegunienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Innovative Approaches to the Formation of a Social Atmosphere in the Context of Work Team Management | 2022 | Marianna Šramková Jana Janičková Katarína Zimermanová | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Opportunities for the Use of Steam Projects in Primary Years Classes: the Points of View of International Baccalaureate Teachers | 2022 | Gražina Šmitienė Kamilė Kesylė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | STEM | CLICK HERE |
Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sveikatos elgsenos stebėsena ir korekcija šeimoje: tėvų nuomonė | 2022 | Neringa Strazdienė, Birutė Strukčinskienė, Raimonda Mickienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Marble Sustainability Matters: an Educational Programme on Marble, Integrating Science, Culture and the Environment | 2022 | Michail Potsikas, Konstantina Prouska, George Efthimiou | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Headmasters’ Attitudes Towards Career Management Opportunities for Pre-School Education Teachers | 2022 | Ilona Klanienė, Gražina Šmitienė, Raimonda Vainorė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Education of Gifted Pre-School Children Using Information Communication Technology: the Opinions of Teachers | 2022 | Reda Jacynė, Evelina Žukauskaitė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Active Learning Methods in Developing Children’s Language Skills at Pre-School Age: Teachers’ Attitudes | 2022 | Rasa Braslauskienė, Erika Turauskienė, Erika Turauskienė, Jolanta Vaičiulienė, Jolanta Vaičiulienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Dirbtinis intelektas edukacijoje: integravimo galimybių teorinė analizė | 2022 | Aleksandra Batuchina, Dalia Baziukė, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
Savanorių pritraukimo į ne pelno siekiančias organizacijas priemonės | 2022 | Jolanta Vaicekavičienė, Arnoldas Petrulis | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Vadovų požiūrio į darbuotojų asmenines ir organizacines pasipriešinimo technologiniams pokyčiams priežastis kokybinis tyrimas | 2022 | Birutė Paulikienė, Julius Paulikas | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Skaitmeninių technologijų integravimas į mokyklos, kaip organizacijos, procesus ir praktikas: teorinis modelis | 2023 | Aleksandra Batuchina, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | E-learning | CLICK HERE |
An Analysis of the Level of Parental Demand for a Preschool Facility with a Special Focus on the Inclusion of Artistically Gifted Children and the Adequacy of its Marketability | 2023 | Mária Vavrúšová | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Žaidimų terapijos taikymas ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocinės sveikatos ugdymui(si): ugdomojo projekto rezultatai | 2023 | Neringa Strazdienė, Renata Jakovenko | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Attitude of Youth Towards the Threats and Benefits of Active Citizenship | 2023 | Ilvija Pikturnaitė, Jurgita Paužuolienė, Robertas Kavolius | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Contribution of Students and Educators to Economic Sustainability Based on their Awareness of their Own Role in Economic Development | 2023 | Maryna Moroz | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Influence of Educational Level on Income as an Important Aspect of Quality of Life in Latvia | 2023 | Kristine Liepina, Biruta Sloka | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Savanorių, kaip mentorių, veikla teikiant pagalbą vaikams, dalyvaujantiems “Big Brothers / Big Sisters” programoje | 2023 | Ilona Klanienė, Alina Glybina, Gražina Šmitienė, Donatas Lengvinas | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Actions by Headmasters to Attract New Teachers to General Education Institutions in Klaipėda: the Headmasters’ Views | 2023 | Reda Jacynė, Evelina Žukauskaitė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Preschool Teachers’ Experiences of Inclusive Education in Developing Children’s Communication Competence | 2023 | Rasa Braslauskienė, Erika Turauskienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Leadership by Progymnasium Teachers in Organising the Educational Process | 2023 | Lilia Žukauskienė, Aurimas Labanauskas | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The System of Preventive, Corrective-Educational and Resocialising Activities in the Republic of Bulgaria | 2024 | Daniel Polihronov | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Vaikų emocinės sveikatos ugdymas(is) ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje: mokytojų nuomonės ir patirtys | 2024 | Neringa Strazdienė, Gitana Tolutienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Investigating the Relationship Between Graduate Learners’ Attitudes Towards Online Learning and Social Anxiety | 2024 | Nilgun Ozdamar Nilgun Ozdamar, Ummuhan Icme Ummuhan Icme | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Expression of Teacher-Leadership in the Organisation of the Educational Process at a Progymnasium | 2024 | Aurimas Labanauskas | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Unveiling the Potential of Learning Analytics in Learning Design: Theoretical Implications for General Education | 2024 | Kamilė Kesylė, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | E-learning | CLICK HERE |
Data Literacy of Secondary School Teachers: the Competence-Based Approach | 2024 | Evelina Brazauskienė, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Potential of Digital Tools for Developing Pre-School Children’s Language Skills: Teachers’ Experiences | 2024 | Rasa Braslauskienė, Erika Turauskienė, Reda Jacynė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Impact of School Leaders on Teachers’ Engagement in School Improvement Through an Intergenerational Diversity Lens | 2024 | Julija Melnikova, Gita Šakytė-Statnickė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
The Path Towards Pooling the European University Alliance Research Infrastructure | 2024 | Edita Lenkauskaitė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Tvarumo aspektas rengiant STEAM projektus pradiniame ugdyme [The aspect of sustainability in developing the STEAM projects in primary education]. | 2024 | Gražina Šmitienė | SMC “Scientia Educologica” | Natural Science Education, 21(1), 8–17. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu-nse/24.21.08 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (Esg) Principles into Organisations | 2024 | Jurgita Pažuolienė, Vadym Derkach | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Pro-Environmental Behaviour and Sustainable Development: Evidence from a Survey of Lithuanian and Ukrainian Students | 2024 | Samanta Simonavičė, Vira Shevchuk, Oresta Bordun | Klaipėda University (Lithuania), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
Pradedančių studijas studentų reflektyvioji pedagoginė praktika: studentų patirtys ir praktikos tobulinimo galimybės | 2024 | Neringa Strazdienė, Sada Ramanauskienė, Aida Norvilienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Using Learning Analytics in Mathematics and Science Education Lessons: A Case Study from Lithuania | 2024 | Gražina Šmitienė, Julija Melnikova, Aleksandra Batuchina, Gita Šakytė-Statnickė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Emocinio intelekto ir lyderystės sąsaja sveikatos priežiūros organizacijose | 2024 | Gintautas Virketis, Liveta Plyčevaitė, Birutė Strukčinskienė | Klaipeda University | Regional Formation and Development Studies | Political and Social Sciences | Soft Skills | CLICK HERE |
The Digital Transformation of European Higher Education | 2024 | Stefania Capogna, Francesca Greco | Link Campus University, University of Udine | Springer Nature | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Reinventing University: the Digital Challenge in Higher Education | 2024 | Stefania Capogna, Maria Chiara De Angelis, Francesca Greco | Link Campus University, University of Udine | uropean Journal of Education. Research, Development and Policy | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Application of learning analytics in European general education schools: theoretical review | 2023 | Aleksandra Batuchina, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Quaderni di comunità. Persone, educazione e welfare nella società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
University teachers data literacy for pedagogical decision making | 2024 | Aleksandra Batuchina, Julija Melnikova | Klaipeda University | Quaderni di comunità. Persone, educazione e welfare nella società 5.1 | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Online training course within the framework of the project D-Challenge. | 2024 | Armakolas, S., Vonitsanos, G., Lazarinis, F., Panagiotakopoulos | University of Patras | Proceedings International Student Conference of Future Teachers | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | |
Blending traditional and online learning approaches for Soft Skills Development in Higher Education | 2024 | Vonitsanos, G., Armakolas, S., Lazarinis, F., Panagiotakopoulos, T., Kameas, A. | University of Patras | Innovating Higher Education Conference 2024. EADTU. | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | |
A blended learning course to empower innovative online teaching in higher education | 2024 | Lazarinis, F., Panagiotakopoulos, T., Armakolas, S., Vonitsanos, G., Iatrellis, O., and Kameas, A. | University of Patras | European Journal of Education | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | |
Social Innovation as a Platform for Hybridizing Education Systems. | 2023 | Carrera, Dario, Domenico Maria Caprioli, e Melih Boyaci | Impact HUB | Quaderni di Comunità, Persone Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0 | Political and Social Sciences | Education | CLICK HERE |
Chatbots in Education: A Dual Perspective on Innovation and Ethics. | 2024 | Sergio Pappagallo | Link Campus University | Journal of Digital Pedagogy | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | |
Trasformazione digitale, intelligenza artificiale e ricerca scientifica: tra rischi, opportunità e sfide etiche | 2024 | Maria Chiara de Angelis | Link Campus University | Intelligenza artificiale. In cerca di umanità | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | CLICK HERE |
E-Research: Emerging Challenges and Ethical Issues in the Algorithms Age | 2024 | Maria Chiara de Angelis, Andrea Velardi | Link Campus University | SOCIOLOGIA, vol. 3 | Political and Social Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | |
The Digital Transformation of European Higher Education. Technological, Ecological, and Social Challenges | 2024 | Stefania Capogna, Francesca Greco | Link Campus University | The Digital Transformation of European Higher Education | Political and Social Sciences | Digital Transformation | CLICK HERE |
Istitution | Country | Process of Obtaining | Description of data | Possible uses |
Postsecondary Education Research and Implementation Institute (PERI2) | California (USA) | To make the data request you must complete the form at this LINK. Rules: this must be done by a Senate faculty member listed on your IRB; we may contact you to further discuss your research project and clarify your data needs. Data will be securely sent as a .csv file. An IRB is required for access to student-level data. | Institutional data regarding students (including student demographic data, individual course grades, or other types of data). At this link you can see the list of variables that are provided. The same providers say that this data can be used by anyone who conducts research projects in the field of Education (with the intention of publishing or presenting the results). | We can analyse this data focusing on their competences and educational outcomes in each field of study. We can check if and how digital competencies are addressed. |
ERIC, Institute of Education Sciences | US Government | This is a selection of Education themed articles downloadable in PDF from the website. Not every article is freerly dowloadable but the largest part is. | ERIC indexes a wide variety of journal sources regarding Education Issues. The site provides a keyword search. In addition, the content is indexed by subject areas. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals | Global (134 countries represented) | In the website the contents can be searched by subject, title etc. and freely downloadable. The contents are divided into journals and articles. | DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, freely available online for everyone. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
Plos One | International | PLOS ONE is an inclusive journal community. Research published in PLOS ONE is immediately available to the widest possible audience: OPEN ACCESS articles from the website (freerly downloadable) | PLOS ONE accepts research in over two hundred subject areas across science, engineering, medicine, and the related social sciences and humanities. Through its search engine you can find articles about your subject of interest (in this case, social sciences, education and maybe Digital Health). | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
ScienceOpen | International | Multidimensional search in millions of article records for quick orientation: Filter your search by 18 filters including open access, preprint, author, keyword, content type, source, and more. Content freerly downloadable in various formats. | Scientific articles in Open Access. Search engine for titles, authors, keywords etc. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
ResearchGate | International | Articles freerly downloadabl from the website. Search engine works with keywords and fields of study. | Scientific articles and researches in Open Access. Themes for the search engine: digital education. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
JSTOR | International | Articles freerly downloadabl from the website. Search engine works with keywords and fields of study. | Scientific articles mostly in Open Access (registration is needed). Search engine for titles, authors, keywords etc. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
ScienceDirect | international | Journal articles and book chapters downloadable from the website. Registration required. Search engine works with keywords, authors and titles. | Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters (including open access content) | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
Open Education Resocurces | Global (USA based) | It is a community of practice that “provide resources, support, and opportunities for collaboration for learning, planning, and implementing successful open educational programs at community and technical colleges. Our activities include sharing best practices through regular webinars, online advocacy events, and conferences; maintaining an active community email list for current news, ideas, queries, and support; raising awareness of open education and its benefits; conducting workshops and presentations throughout North America; and supporting the needs of students and faculty at colleges engaged in OER adoption for courses and full degree pathways.” | Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission. | If you are interested in conducting research yourself to measure the impact of adopting open educational resources at your own institution, see this toolkit developed by the Open Education Group. It contains sample survey instruments for students and faculty that you modify and use for your own circumstances.” It can be also interesting to think about how they use digital tools to promote and carry on their activities. |
Istitution | Country | Process of Obtaining | Description of data | Possible uses |
Eurostat | European Union | Downloadable files in different formats (for example xlsx) in open format divided by “topics” addressed | These data describe education and training systems in the EU and their outcomes. Topics: participation in education and training (including adult learning); learning mobility; education personnel; education finance; education and training outcomes; language learning and self-reported language skills. On the website are available graphs to immediately visualize the time trends of the different variables (ex. early school living among the countries). | We can carry on some statistical analysis (using for example SPSS software) to make a comparison between countries about the participation in education and training |
OECD | European Union | Exportable in xlsx format divided by year, topic and indicator | In this database, you can access the indicators of Education at a Glance. Values can be searched by country, year, and subject. TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) data are avilable too, in which you can find informations related to our themes (teaching and learning in the era of digitalization). | We can carry on some statistical analysis (using for example SPSS software) about teaching and leraning in the era of digitalization. This database could be also useful to identify wich are the most important variables on which these researches are based (including what type of questions are asked to the participants). |
Data Europa – European Commission | European Union | Downloadable in open mode in different formats (I chose CSV). You can also download it in SPSS format. | Through this link you can access to different national and European datasets (selected by issue, pusblisher…). We selected European Union Data about 1st and 2nd survey on ICT in schools. | We can carry on some statistical analysis (using for example SPSS software) about teaching and leraning in the era of digitalization. This database could be also useful to identify wich are the most important variables on which these researches are based (including what type of questions are asked to the participants). |
Zenodo | Italy, Austria, Greece | Downloadable: excel file with Standardized questionnaire responses. In the data set, the feedback was grouped into categories, based on the age and background of the users: middle and high school students (school students, results on sheet 1); Master in Earth Science students (msc, results on sheet 2); academics/researchers in Earth Sciences, which include PhD students and postdocs (Academics, results in Sheet 3); Public Laity (i.e. participants who do not belong to the other groups, results in Sheet 4). | The dataset is associated with the paper entitled: How Academics and the Public Experienced Immersive Virtual Reality for Geo-education. It contains feedback regarding users’experience with Immersive Virtual Reality for geological exploration, through a tailored approach developed by Tibaldi et al. (2020) where the Virtual Landscape is based on 3D photogrammetry-based high-resolution models. Such feedback has been acquired through anonymous questionnaires during nine dissemination events held in 2018 and 2019 in various locations (Vienna in Austria, Milan and Catania in Italy and Santorini in Greece), in the framework of the following projects: the MIUR project ACPR15T4_00098–Argo3D; 3DTeLC Erasmus+Project 2017-1-UK01-KA203-036719; EGU 2018 Public Engagement Grant. | We can use the paper and the dataset to analyse this interesting application of digital technologies in education. It can be an example of “best practices” on how digital technologies enhance teaching and learning |
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies | Germany | You have to apply from their site. It is not clear whether after the application the data will be in open format or if you will have to buy them. The data can be used for practice and study, but not for publications. | Interesting data from surveys (for example on the impacts of the pandemic in HE). The research center focuses on Higher Education by addressing several topics (including the relationship with technologies). Until the application is made IT IS NOT CLEAR THE TYPE OF DATA that will be provided. | We can check the type of data thei provide. Then, we can make a reasonment on how the pandemic has been “useful” to enhance the use and the relationship between teacher/students and digital technologies |
School Education Gateway | European Union | This is a selection of Education themed articles freely downloadable in PDF from the website | They are downloadable only PDF, so there are no Open data but only reading materials. | Articles can be used as a theorical base for our themes of interest. They can be also useful to identify indicators and important variables in our future researches and activities. |
Istitution | Country | Process of Obtaining | Description of data | Possible uses |
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Downloadable: 2 datasets in SPSS format (“data” file and “profiles” file); 1 PDF file with questionnaire (ita); 1 PDF file with methodological notes (ita); 1 PDF file with codebook (ita) (5 files). Attention: the data are distributed exclusively for research and teaching purposes, and cannot be provided to third parties, free of charge or for a fee, even in partial form; the user is obliged to quote the data and documentation distributed by UniData within its publications; the user is also obliged to send to UniData any bibliographical information of the publications that make use of the distributed data. | The data were collected as part of the ELECTUS (Education-for-Labour Elicitation from Companies’ Attitudes towards University Studies) research project carried out in 2015 by the University of Padua in partnership with numerous other Italian universities with the aim of investigating the criteria that entrepreneurs adopt in the choice of recent graduates who apply for a job position in their companies. 471 enterprises (recruiters). Self-selected sample of companies included in the Almalaurea archives and belonging to the Job Placement office of the University of Milan-Bicocca. | We can carry on analysis regardin the competencies mainly required by companies (with a particular focus on digital competencies). |
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Downloadable: 1 dataset in SPSS format; 1 PDF file with questionnaire (ita); 1 PDF file with methodological notes (ita); 1 PDF file with archive notes (ita); 1 PDF file with codebook (ita) (5 file). Attention: the data are distributed exclusively for research and teaching purposes, and cannot be provided to third parties, free of charge or for a fee, even in partial form; the user is obliged to quote the data and documentation distributed by UniData within its publications; the user is also obliged to send to UniData any bibliographical information of the publications that make use of the distributed data. | Distance education, education in emergency (2020). The study aims to describe the actions implemented by educational services during the emergency by COVID-19 in the spring of 2020, in order to understand how kindergartens and kindergartens responded to the emergency situation. The aim of the research is to understand how educators, teachers and pedagogical coordinators of childcare educational services 0-6 have faced the lockdown period and consequently how the educational relationship has been declined, proposals, involvement actions, training, planning and pedagogical documentation. Through a questionnaire administered to the services for children mainly of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna in the first months of the lockdown, were investigated the changes introduced with the intent to understand lived and ethical questionsmoral, changes in planning, conditions for a continuity of educational processes through renewed relationships, able to bring out the salient and generative features of education. | We can check the type of data thei provide. Then, we can make a reasonment on how the pandemic has been “useful” to enhance the use and the relationship between teacher/students and digital technologies |
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Downloadable: 1 dataset in SPSS format; 1 PDF file with methodological notes (ita); 1 PDF file with codebook (ita); 1 folder with materials (data and syntax) for reproducibility of results (4 files). Attention: the data are distributed exclusively for research and teaching purposes, and cannot be provided to third parties, free of charge or for a fee, even in partial form; the user is obliged to quote the data and documentation distributed by UniData within its publications; the user is also obliged to send to UniData any bibliographical information of the publications that make use of the distributed data. | OpenTeQ – Teacher Effectiveness Scale (2016-2017). The data are extracted from the OpenTeQ project, a controlled trial to assess the impact of light training on teachers’ relational skills. The dataset includes two waves of CATI survey, conducted between 2016 and 2017 on teachers of Italian and mathematics in the secondary classes of 198 secondary schools of 1st grade (grade 7). Teachers were asked to evaluate their effectiveness in teaching through the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale (OSTES). Longitudinal data were collected on 1,912 respondents, for a final response rate of 92%. The collected data are used to test the measurement invariance of OSTES over time, assessing the impact of different analytical approaches on the adequacy of the estimated models and on the measurement and structural parameters. | This dataset can be useful to address the issue of teachers’ relational skills, expecially considering our future training activities (we may find something interesting to enhance teacher’s relational skills though our training activities). |
Elearning standards
The project starts from the observation that, currently, the academic community perceives that it’s still difficult to define elearning standards able to inform academic governance and stakeholders about the quality of e-learning processes.
D-ChallengHE recognises the need to produce and validate a series of new quality assurance standards that consider the qualitative dimension of educational interaction in online learning environments and the need to communicate best practices at European level.
The definition of these standards relies on the intersection among policy, technology, education, society, and the labour market.