- What it is
- What it is
The D-ChallengHE HUB is a community of university institutions, scientists, researchers, decision-makers, policy managers and educators dedicated to the in-depth study of the complex social implications of digital transformation in Higher Education. The HUB strengthens connections within and outside our community to support your work, promote collaboration among HEIs and encourage a transdisciplinary perspective.
D-ChallengHE HUB is an interdisciplinary research network that works as a unit, has the same vision, and shares the same ethical perspective, goals and KPIs.
- Goals
- Goals
D-ChallengHE HUB develops a permanent observatory to work on the issues of digitization of the HE system at the European level, share best practices, and promote collaboration among different HEIs.
To participate in this goal in the framework of an international and interdisciplinary research network join us by filling out this form
- Tasks
- Tasks
The HUB promotes opportunities for exchange and research through different events, transnational round tables, symposiums, conferences and calls for papers/panels on the issues of digital transformation in HE.
Main topics
The area of interest.
- the digital revolution issue from the European perspective and concerning the pandemic emergency due to the Coronavirus;
- the online and blended learning in the European Higher Education Area for promoting inclusion, LLL and innovation, as defined in the Bologna Process and the Communication on Rethinking Education;
- the emerging essential skills and competencies for teaching in online and/or blended environments in HE as outlined in European documents;
- the professors’ professional development in HE as a digital area, as requested by all European documents;
- the centrality of online teaching quality standards for HE.

The HUB focus
The HUB focus on intervention and research on the effect of digital transformation, sharply accelerated by the pandemic crisis, in terms of:
- logistical or technical capacities, pedagogical training and support of professors and staff, student recruitment and retention, achievement of learning outcomes and employability;
- accessibility of research infrastructures, data collection and international research collaborations;
- university partnerships with external communities and the new universities’ role in responding to societal needs;
- universities’ actions to support staff and students in dramatically different working conditions;
- university governance and management and
- the social dimension of the HE.