The D-ChallengHE HUB is organised into interdisciplinary research groups (RN) that share the same interests, passions and research objectives through a fertile knowledge exchange and virtuous collaboration. The groups organise regular meetings between their members, are open to participation by all and play an essential role in animating the HE research observatory.
Each group has one or more coordinators that animate the discussion and collaboration within the group.
Research networks are focused sufficiently to motivate people and to enable them to work effectively on specific topics. They meet in a very smart workshop to favour active participation, intellectual debate and the exchange of ideas.
Currently, there are seven active groups. It is possible to promote new groups by sending a program of activities and indicating the promoters’ names and a short bio
The existing research groups are as follows:
RN.1 New Role of HEIs in Front of Globalisation and Global Crises. Values, Mission And Goals For The Future Of HEIs
RN.2 Artificial Intelligence in HEIs
RN.3 The Economic, Social And Ecological Sustainability Of Digital Transformation
Ligita Simanskiene
Julija Melnikova
Erika Župerkienė
RN.4 Curriculum design and mismatch job supply demand, skills for a changing society
Žan Dapčevič
Natalija Žunko
Nina Gaube
RN.5 Soft skills for HE students, innovating teaching models, tools for supporting teaching and learning (e-learning, traditional, gamification, AI, augmented reality: methodologies, competencies, etc.)
Dr Stefanos Armakolas
Fotis Lazarinis
Theodor Panagiotakopoulos
RN.6 Digital and emerging skills (green, STEM, inclusive…)
RN.7 Academic Research: ethical and methodological issues, Computational challenges for humanity
The existing research groups are as follows:

Final Partnership Meeting and International Conference
Last week the whole partnership visited the vibrant city of Klaipeda, Lithuania, to participate in the final activities of the “Digital Challenge in Higher Education”

Workshop HEAd’24 conference: Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge in Higher Education
As part of the D-ChallengHE project, we are pleased to announce the First Workshop of the Research Network1 entitled “Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge in

Second Workshop D-ChallengHE Reinventing University. The Digital Challenge in Higher Education
24 April 2024Klaipeda University, Lithuania On the occasion of the 20th International Scientific Conference on Social Innovations for Sustainable Regional Development, the second Workshop entitled
Elearning standards
The project starts from the observation that, currently, the academic community perceives that it’s still difficult to define elearning standards able to inform academic governance and stakeholders about the quality of e-learning processes.
D-ChallengHE recognises the need to produce and validate a series of new quality assurance standards that consider the qualitative dimension of educational interaction in online learning environments and the need to communicate best practices at European level.
The definition of these standards relies on the intersection among policy, technology, education, society, and the labour market.