
List of newsletters published by the D-Challenge project, stay updated!

D-ChallengHE project

D-ChallengHE project promotes inter-connected HE systems and address digital transformation and innovation in learning and teaching practices

1st Newsletter

2nd Newsletter

3rd Newsletter

4th Newsletter

5th Newsletter

Final press release

Final dissemination report

Elearning standards

The project starts from the observation that, currently, the academic community perceives that it’s still difficult to define elearning standards able to inform academic governance and stakeholders about the quality of e-learning processes. 

D-ChallengHE recognises the need to produce and validate a series of new quality assurance standards that consider the qualitative dimension of educational interaction in online learning environments and the need to communicate best practices at European level.

The definition of these standards relies on the intersection among policy, technology, education, society, and the labour market.