Guidelines for online and blended learning: design, delivery, assessment, evaluation of study program

The fifth work package, extending until the conclusion of August 2024, is dedicated to the development of actionable recommendations for higher education teaching personnel. These Guidelines are meticulously structured around the utilization and enhanced proficiency with a range of specific infrastructures, including Learning Management Systems (LMS), laboratories, virtual collaborative communities serving various roles, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, and an array of digital resources such as videos, simulations, exercises, and quizzes. Furthermore, they encompass online courses, blended learning pathways, collaborative asynchronous learning methodologies, analytics, as well as intelligent agents and assistants. The preparatory process of these Guidelines is rigorously aligned with the DigCompEdu framework, as established by the European Commission in 2017 (, which identifies six core areas of focus: 
  • Professional Engagement, encompassing organisational communication and professional collaboration;
  • Digital Resources, involving the selection, creation, modification, management, protection, and sharing of resources;
  • Teaching and Learning, which addresses direct teaching, student guidance, collaborative and self-regulated learning;
  • Assessment, covering realms from strategic approaches to feedback and planning;
  • Empowering Learners, which aims at ensuring accessibility, inclusion, differentiation, personalization, and active engagement;
  • Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence, emphasizing information and media literacy, digital communication and collaboration, content creation, responsible use, and problem-solving skills.

In parallel, the Guidelines are attentive to pioneering pedagogies, particularly those leveraging artificial intelligence tools, multimodal pedagogy, the pedagogy of care within digitally mediated environments, the integration of chatbots and robotics in education, communal activities like watch parties, enriched reality experiences, the complex intertwining of various learning space pedagogies, corpus-based pedagogy, challenge-based learning, pedagogies fostering autonomy, optimizing memorable educational moments, ensuring students see themselves within the curriculum, and fostering relational pedagogies.
To capitalize on the recommendations outlined in Work Package 5, dissemination of key points will occur within the Hub through designated channels. Should the Hub community express interest, a comprehensive presentation followed by in-depth discussions is slated to be organized in September. Stay informed and engaged by joining the Hub and enrolling in one or multiple research networks to fully leverage these innovative educational insights.