Final Partnership Meeting and International Conference

Last week the whole partnership visited the vibrant city of Klaipeda, Lithuania, to participate in the final activities of the “Digital Challenge in Higher Education” project, funded by the ERASMUS+ program. This initiative focuses on enhancing digital innovation in higher education.

Held at the Klaipeda University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, educators and experts from Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovenia gathered to reflect on the achievements, challenges, and future directions of the D-ChallengHE project.

Day 1: Final Partnership Meeting Key discussions focused on the conclusion of the project activities and reflection on the project’s overall impact.
Day 2: Digital Challenge in Higher Education Conference At Klaipeda University’s Aula Magna conference hall, this pivotal event gathered 100 higher education educators to explore the intersection of digital innovation and education.

Keynote Sessions:

  • Prof. Dr. Stefania Capogna (Link Campus University): Presentation of the European Digital Innovation Hub.
  • Nina Gaube (Academia): D-ChallengHE online learning platform and pilot implementation results.
  • Dr. Olimpius Istrate (iEDU): Transformative impact of AI in education.
  • Roberto Vardisio (Entropy Knowledge Network): Engagement tools – serious games.
  • Dr. Simona Velea and Dr. Olimpius Istrate (iEDU): Guidelines for designing, delivering, and evaluating online and blended learning programs.

The final D-ChallengHE partnership meeting and conference represented a culmination of collaborative efforts and shared visions for the future of digital education.

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Cultivating Essential Competences in Higher Education

Soft competences, including communication, teamwork, and adaptability, arefundamental to encouraging a dynamic learning environment in higher education.These competences foster an atmosphere where students feel supported