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Ethics Code
For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the author, the journal editor(s), the peer reviewer and the publisher), it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behaviour. The ethics statements for the Regional formation and development studies are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Core Practices and research integrity principles listed in the Code of Ethical Conduct.
GDPR legal statement and information under Italian Law
Duties of Research Group HUB coordinator
The coordinator of D-challengHE HUB Research Group takes on the role of facilitator with the task of:
- encouraging the registration of researchers, teachers and students in this research group
- organising at list one online workshop during the year, to gather those who have registered, for sharing the progress of their research/studies on this topic
- animating the discussion and collaboration within the group (for conference, publication, research etc.)
- developing a very brief collaborative report outlining the main points of the discussion
- organising a collaborative bibliographical review of the most important research/contributions about the RN topic over the last five years
promoting the dissemination of scientific publications for the D-ChallengHE Observatory
Create a hub
Create a hub of universities and research institutes as a permanent observatory that can work on the issues of digitization of the HE system at the European level, share best practices, and promote collaboration among different institutions of the HE system;
Online training course
Build an online training course to empower professors and teachers, to perform high-quality online/blended teaching actions in HE, in the logic of LLL;
New online environments
Identify and develop new online environments for HE, enhancing the gamification logic to improve transversal and soft skills, i.e. e-leadership and digital maturity;
Safeguard quality standards
Elaborate assessment processes to safeguard quality standards and academic integrity in the context of online learning for a more flexible approach to address the online and blended delivery of study programmes;
Favour social innovation
Favour social innovation in the online and blended European HE Area through the sharing of experimented best practices among partner countries.
Elearning standards
The project starts from the observation that, currently, the academic community perceives that it’s still difficult to define elearning standards able to inform academic governance and stakeholders about the quality of e-learning processes.
D-ChallengHE recognises the need to produce and validate a series of new quality assurance standards that consider the qualitative dimension of educational interaction in online learning environments and the need to communicate best practices at European level.
The definition of these standards relies on the intersection among policy, technology, education, society, and the labour market.